Here is a request that I think would be helpful for me and hopefully another client:
If one of the employees who issued the card deactivated their account (due to resignation for example), can we still keep all the cards "alive" please instead of just them getting turned off by default?
I think it's extremely critical that business can go as usual even if some people in the company left for whatever reason...
What I have in mind: If I am an employee/Budget owner issue 100 cards and then deactivated the accounts, who's going to manage the cards now? Can the admin at least "take over"? It would be very appreciated if the cards are not just get deactivated along with the accounts as it will take a lot of time to issue all the new cards due to the quantity.. Maybe the card got automatically migrated under the admin's account?
Any further considerations would be very appreciated! Thank you!
Created by Kenny Winsen Chandra